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Use and maintenance of Volvo generator set battery

The storage battery of Volvo generator set shall be installed into the installation frame flexibly and firmly to prevent damage to the pole plate and shell due to vibration. The connection between the conductor and the pole shall be firm and in good contact. When installing the battery for Volvo generator set, connect the "live wire" end first, then connect two groups of batteries in series, and then connect the "ground" end. The battery shall be removed in reverse order.
Only pure sulfuric acid and distilled water can be used to fill the electrolyte of Volvo generator set, and no sundries such as metal conductors can be dropped into it; The battery should always be kept clean. After removing the oxide on the pole post and connecting strip, a layer of lubricating grease (petroleum jelly oil) should be applied to prevent the pole post and connecting strip from oxidation.
Regularly check the liquid level of electrolyte in the battery of Volvo generator set. The liquid level shall be 10-15mm higher than the electrode plate. If it is insufficient, only distilled water can be added. Unless it is confirmed that the liquid level drop is caused by electrolyte overflow, sulfuric acid solution can be added.
Use a suction densitometer to measure the density of the solution, and use a thermometer to measure the temperature of the electrolyte: when the temperature of the electrolyte rises or decreases by 1 ℃, the density of the electrolyte is reduced or added by 0.0007g/cm3 to convert to the standard density value of 20 ℃. The electrolyte density cannot be measured immediately after the distilled water has been filled or the strong discharge because the electrolyte is uneven. Measure the discharge voltage with a high rate discharge meter.
In cold and winter, the storage battery of Volvo generator set shall be kept in charge state frequently to prevent the freezing of electrolyte, resulting in the arch of electrode plate, the shedding of active substances or the cracking of shell. In winter, electrolyte or distilled water shall be added before the battery is charged or the generator set is started for power generation.
The electrolyte density shall be adjusted as necessary in summer and winter. In summer, a small amount of electrolyte can be inhaled and then distilled water can be added. In winter, some electrolyte with a density of 1.4g/cm3 should be added. If the storage battery of Volvo generator set is not used for 1-2 months, the storage battery shall be fully charged and the electrolyte density shall meet the specified requirements before storage.
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